Unleashing Creativity: How “Refuse to Choose!” Inspired My Design Strategy Business

During a two-month sabbatical prior to launching my own business, I read a transformative book called Refuse to Choose! by Barbara Sher. This book, subtitled “Use all of your interests, passions, and hobbies to create the life and career of your dreams,” resonated deeply with me. If you know me personally, I’m sure you heard me talk about it. It was so life-changing that I felt the need to tell everyone.

In the book, Sher describes a personality type she calls “scanners.” Scanners have a diverse range of interests, a love for learning and experiencing new things, and an aversion to boredom. When scanners find something that excites them, they dive in wholeheartedly. Conversely, when they lose interest, continuing feels unbearable. This description captured my personality perfectly, much like the first time I discovered my Enneagram type (I’m a 9, and yes, I love personality psychology).

Discovering My True Self

Reading Refuse to Choose! helped me understand why I felt unfulfilled in my previous job. Being a UX designer had been exhilarating and engaging for a decade, but I reached a point where I felt I had grown enough in that role. I realized that my definition of growth and success needed to change.

Instead of climbing the traditional career ladder, I began to see success as nurturing my ability to learn quickly and make new connections. Rather than focusing on one product for extended periods, I wanted to work on various projects. I wondered if there was a way to channel my creative energy into the early stages of a project.

The Birth of a New Business

After six weeks of contemplation, starting a workshop facilitation and design strategy business felt like an obvious choice. Here’s an excerpt from my sabbatical notebook on the day the idea struck me: “meet new people, see new places, solve new problems.” This encapsulates my dream perfectly.

I am passionate about using design thinking workshops to help product and design leaders deliver successful products efficiently. Over the past decade, I have honed these skills while working in enterprise SaaS companies. Now, I am excited to leverage my strengths and focus on this full-time. Many exciting things are on the horizon!

Why You Should Read Refuse to Choose!

If you resonate with the scanner personality type, I highly recommend reading Refuse to Choose!. It provides invaluable insights into harnessing your varied interests to create a fulfilling life and career.


Refuse to Choose! by Barbara Sher opened my eyes to a new way of thinking about my career and passions. It inspired me to launch a business that aligns with my strengths and interests. If you feel like a scanner, this book might be the catalyst you need to unlock your true potential.

An adventurer at heart, I'm highly curious and love new experiences — whether that's meeting new people, reading a new book, traveling somewhere new, or learning a new sport. 
I love working in highly technical problem spaces, helping teams identify real problems and create valuable solutions.

Complex problems are my thing.
